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    Piers Morgan Completely Lashes Out At Ben Affleck

    Diana Limanska
    Wednesday, December 15, 2021, December 15, 2021 WIB Last Updated 2021-12-15T20:10:23Z

    In his response to Ben Affleck purportedly blaming his ex-wife Jennifer Garner for issues related to his (Affleck's) alcoholism, Piers Morgan lambasted the actor for pitting the blame for his substance use on others. After chiding Affleck for airing the intimacies of his divorce with Garner, Morgan released the figurative hounds in his latest op-ed for the Daily Mail. "That's why you got blind drunk every night? It was all Jennifer's fault for trapping you?" the tabloid journalist asked both sarcastically and rhetorically, before citing Affleck's previous public comments about his alcoholism. (As Morgan noted, Affleck's first attempt at sobriety occurred years before he and Garner wed.) Morgan then concluded: "Affleck did what he's done throughout his life — he blamed someone else for his own behavior."

    Interestingly, it seems that many who have largely disagreed with Morgan's past tirades actually feel the same way as he does about this particular situation. "I was rooting for Ben Affleck but to blame his drinking on his marriage to Jennifer Garner is so silly," tweeted author and feminist icon Roxane Gay (though she did not respond to Morgan's article directly). "She dried his a** out multiple times!" Gay continued. "After they broke up even. Mmmmm."

    If you or anyone you know is struggling with addiction issues, help is available. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website or contact SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

    (Source: nickiswift)



